Duane Alexander Miller shares frequent obstacles and lessons learned to better disciple new believers from a Muslim background.
In Madrid, Spain — as an Anglican pastor, he co-founded an Arabic fellowship for new believers from a Muslim background. He shares insights from that fellowship, typical western churches and years of international ministry experience in countries like Turkey, Jordan and Kenya.
What You’ll Learn:
- How Western churches can adapt to better disciple new believers from Muslim backgrounds
- The benefits of ‘stop light’ discipleship
- How God is fulfilling the promise to bless all nations through Abraham’s seed
About the Guest:
Duane Alexander Miller has had the pleasure of teaching in many places including Costa Rica, Turkey, Kenya and Tunisia. Presently, he and his family live in Spain where he is on the pastoral staff at the Anglican Cathedral of the Redeemer and an Associate Professor at the Protestant Faculty of Theology at Madrid (UEBE).
He was born in Montana (USA) and grew up in Colorado and Mexico. In San Antonio, Texas—he completed a BA in philosophy at the University of Texas at San Antonio then an MA in theology at St Mary’s University. Later, he and his wife studied Arabic in Jordan. He helped found a seminary in Israel and then they moved to Scotland for his doctoral work.
He’s very interested in the interactions of Islam, Christianity and secularism in modern contexts. Religious conversion from Islam to Christianity, contextual theology, and the shari’a’s treatment of apostates were his main areas of research for his PhD in divinity. He’s also published research on global Anglicanism and the history of the Anglican mission in the Ottoman Empire.
Duane Alexander Miller is the co-author or author of several books including, I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name and Two Stories.
Scripture Related to Episode:
Genesis 12: 1-3; Blessing through Abraham’s Seed
Matthew 28: 18-20; The Great Commission
Links Related to Episode:
Duane Alexander Miller, YouTube
Duane Alexander Miller, Author
Timestamped Show Notes:
02:04 – Topic: How Can Churches Better Care for New Believers from a Muslim Background
03:43 – I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name
04:32 – Two Stories of Everything – Muslims and Christians Understanding Each Other
04:48 – What Actually Works — Addressing Needs of New Believes from a Muslim Background
05:43 – Specific Areas to Support MBB’s
06:04 – 1. Looking at Finances and Patronage
07:20 – Prayer and the Uniqueness of the Anglican Tradition
08:28 – 2. Praying and the New MBB
09:29 – Difference in Perspective about Prayer, Example
10:51 – 3. Welcoming New MBB’s – Obstacles in Church Care for New MBB’s
11:11 – Church Goers Suspicions of New MBB
11:51 – What is Christian Community?
12:48 – 4. Being A New Family for MBB’s Who May Need One
13:00 – Lessons from Pastoring an Arabic Speaking Church
13:28 – 5. implementing ‘Stop Light’ Discipleship
14:36 – Why Muslim Ministry After Care?
15:35 – God is Doing a New Thing among Muslims
15:50 – What If No Muslims Live in My Area?
17:50 – Who’s Actually Doing the Great Commission?
19:20 – Contact Info and Buy Books on Amazon
20:30 – Dad Joke Ahead: Eating Snails
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