OUV is hosted by Dr. Alfonse Javed.
Born and raised in a Christian family in Pakistan and educated in the West, Dr. Alfonse Javed holds a unique perspective on culture, religion, education, and politics. His advanced theological training is from the Greek Bible College, Davis College, and Liberty University, where is a graduate faculty member. He has earned three undergraduate, three graduate, and three doctoral degrees. Read more here.
About Us
Our Urban Voices aims to share a wide variety of diverse voices that can add to discussions on Christian ministry, missions, theology, and culture. We focus predominantly on these topics from the viewpoints of urban and Muslim ministries.
Our Urban Voices is an explicitly Christian podcast. It is an outreach ministry of Heart for Muslims, an interdenominational ministry that subscribes to the Lausanne Covenant.
Guests are not required to subscribe to the theological beliefs that Our Urban Voices espouses, but must be able to contribute to a discussion on topics that impact urban ministry, culture, or missions.

A guest’s presence on a podcast interview in no way equates to an endorsement of that guest or his/her religion, theology, opinions, or that guest’s own endorsements.
Additionally, a guest’s presence on a podcast interview in no way equates to an endorsement from Our Urban Voices, Heart for Muslims, Dr. Alfonse Javed, any host, any person associated with producing Our Urban Voices, or any other guest who has been interviewed on the podcast.
Heart for Muslims is considered the benefactor of the Our Urban Voices podcast. Donations and funding for the podcast are sourced through Heart for Muslims, which operates under Global Gates, a 501c3, and thus are tax-deductible.
To learn more, please visit heartformuslims.com and globalgates.info.
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Our Urban Voices Episode Collections
Playlists curated by topic.