Jami Staples discovered a unique approach to reveal lies and trauma that often ensnare Christian and Muslim women – same lies, different contexts.
Through the Truth Collective, Christian women are empowered to see themselves through God’s eyes—with inherent value—and be empowered to heal from trauma. Then, Christian women can be free to humbly and boldly engage Muslim women who share similar experiences.
Jami looks at how arts ministry, virtual tea parties and relationships are vital parts of this ministry.
Bonus Content:
Your Identity in Christ – According to the Bible
What You’ll Learn:
- Why it’s important for Christian women to have access their own transformation testimony
- How a “both – and” ministry can minister to both Christian women and then to Muslim women
- How unhealed trauma can impact identity, shame and relationships
About the Guest:
Jami Staples is the Founder and CEO of The Truth Collective — TTC. The ministry invites women to know, believe and share the truth of who God is and how God sees women.
Over a period of time, the Lord broke Jami’s heart and called her to this ministry. While in East Africa with her husband, she was immersed in a local Somali community and studied Islam. Upon returning to America, Jami worked with Crescent Project and realized that a significant portion of the Western Church resisted reaching out to Muslims with the gospel. But, why?
The answer to that question shapes TTC’s ministry to Christian women and then to Muslim women. Different context, the same lies and both have a need for Truth.
Jami graduated from Bethel University in St. Paul, MN with a degree in Communications and a minor in Biblical and Theological Studies.
Scripture Related to Episode
Revelation 22: 1-5; Tree of Life with Leaves to Heal the Nations
Mark 5: 21-43, Luke 8: 40-53; Woman with the Issue of Blood Healed by Jesus
The Book of Ruth; The Story of Ruth and Boaz
Links Related to Episode:
Virtual Tea Parties and the unGallery
Timestamped Show Notes:
01:53 – Living in East Africa – the Lord’s Call in the midst Jami’s Heartbreak
04:08 – Restoration of Women’s Hearts through the Power of Jesus Christ
04:43 – Encountering Resistance in a Biblical Response to the Muslim World
08:34 – Arts Ministry and The Truth Collective’s unGallery
08:51 – Different Context Same Lies
10:10 – What Does Neuroscience Have to Say?
13:23 – Healing Hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
17:26 – What Does the Bible Call Trauma?
19:39 – How Can People Respond Differently to the Same Trauma?
20:54 – Daughter You Are Healed
22:00 – Honor, Shame and Self Worth
22:39 – Virtual Tea Parties
24:34 – Helping Friends and Refugees Deal with Trauma